My investment journey

Frugal Mileage
6 min readJan 10, 2023

On my way to deciding on real estate as the next step in my journey to financial independence, I have tried several other investment avenues. While I will share my opinion on pros and cons, the reason for sharing really is the journey and accumulated experience. I made some mistakes, and most likely you will too, but perhaps in reading this you can control your losses better than me.

1. Stocks

Photo by Patrick Weissenberger on Unsplash

The first time I bought stocks, I spent a few hundred dollars on blue chip stocks. It felt like gambling and I fully expected never to see that money again.

As it turns out, blue chip investing is boring and slow for the most part. The stocks appreciated some 10% in a couple of years and I got yearly dividends worth about 3%. Of course, by picking specific stocks at specific times, you can do a lot better than this, or a lot worse. There is definitely a lot of variability in this investment class.

Ultimately, because I did not have time to truly analyze individual stocks, I picked companies that felt right, companies that I identified with. One of my largest investments was the company my father had worked at for decades. As any investment professional would tell you, that is a bad way to invest.

Compounding my mistakes, I also started buying with leverage. Leverage is when you buy more than you have in cash…



Frugal Mileage

Writer, avid traveler, real estate investor and recovering corporate drone. I'm sharing my path to financial independence and self-compassion.